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    Monday, December 29, 2008

    Flight 316

    Here are two Easter eggs from the updated Ajira Airway website. This fills in some holes for us, because episode 7 from season 5 will be called 316. Now we know that this is a reference to an Ajira Airway flight, probably from Ames, IA to Seoul, South Korea. In the postcards released by ABC, there was a postcard of a plane that was crashing and it said Ajira Airways at the bottom. So can we assume that this will be the flight that takes the Oceanic 6 back to the Island? I think so, what do you think?

    Oh So Soon

    I know we're still 23 days out from the new season, but ABC keeps giving us new reasons to chomp at the bit.(As if we weren't already!) So here's another fix:

    Tuesday, December 23, 2008

    Dharma Special Access Week 5

    Here is another Dharma Special Access video. It's a holiday greeting from Damon and Carlton featuring a flash forward. Enjoy. If you want to go to the website to watch it the fifth password is yksnizdar.
    "Their Future Selves!"

    It's fun, but not too informative. And part of it's from the season 4 DVD.

    More Episode Titles

    Here are three more Episode titles for season 5. You can see the titles for Episodes 1 - 7 here.

    Ep. 8- 4th March: Le Flour
    Ep. 9- 11th March: Namaste
    Ep. 10- 18th March: He's Our You

    Monday, December 22, 2008

    Destiny Calls

    That's the slogan of the new Airline on Lost. The Ajira Airways is a airline company whose logo is featured in a Lost Promo for the upcoming season.

    They were also featured in post cards that I had in a previous post.

    Not much is known about Ajira yet but I'm sure we'll be finding out soon. There is a web site for Ajira Airway, but it gives no information about the company or it's relation to Lost.

    Here's what I can tell you about Ajira:
    • Ajira is Hindi for "island" or "isle"
    • Ajira in Islam means "Eternal life after Death"
    • Ajira in Sanskrit may mean "a place to run or fight", "area" or "court"
    • Ajira in Sanskrit also means "The Body" and "Any object of sense, air, wind, a frog" "Swift"
    So there's what I know, but I have a feeling we'll be talking about this more later.

    Wish you Were Here

    Here are some new post cards available at The Island Gift Shop. So you can let your friends and family know what they are missing. Be sure not to leave the Island without visiting the Island Gift Shop.

    In all seriousness these are a promotional item sent out by ABC to promote the new season. Several feature the Ajira Airway, more on that soon. What do you think of the post cards? Any new theories because of them?

    Wednesday, December 17, 2008

    Jack's Grandfather

    According to EW's Ausiello we will meet Jack's grandfather for the first time in Episode 5x07 316.

    In an earlier Casting Call, Lost called for a man named Hal is a successful and handsome Caucasian man in his 70s. He can still fight the establishment and win. Maybe this will be Jack's Granddad. What we do know is that he will be played by actor Raymond J. Barry. Here's Raymond J. Barry's imdb. You may have seen him is such shows as: Law & Order, Alias, and The X Files.

    Tuesday, December 16, 2008

    You've got some Arzt on you...

    Yes, yes we all remember the funny(but disturbing) moment from the first season's finale when Jack had some Dr. Arzt on him. Well now you can relive the moment at home with your very own Dr. Arzt action figure.

    This figure is not part of the Mcfarlane series which was cancelled after wave two. (Although is you loved the figures as much as me you can sign a petition, started on the spawn message boards, to get them brought back) This action figure was made by Highly Flammable Toys. t came with a plastic cover along with a backing card carrying a biography and the warning: "You may get some ARZT on you". The price for a custom-made action figure (as quoted on the company's website) is US$599. (It's a mighty steep price for a guy who was blown up in season1)

    Later as a joke, Highly Flammable Toys made a second Arzt action figure which consisted of red paint all over the box, representing Dr. Leslie Arzt blowing up in Exodus: Part 2.

    Good Times!

    Another Sneak Peak

    Here's another sneak peak from the upcoming season. This is a scene with Jack and Ben preparing to find the rest of the Oceanic 6.

    Dharma Special Access

    The newest addition to the Dharma Special Access is up today. For those of you who don't know the DSA is a website where Damon and Carlton post videos weekly about well...Lost. It started back in November and it replaced the Dharma Initiative Recruiting Project. The videos are posted on as well but I'm going to go back and put all four here. If you want to go to the Dharma Special Access website you'll need a password so here they are:
    • The initial password that was used to access this site was lafleur.
    • The second password was qilak.
    • The third password was adella courey.
    • The current password is kapalaran.
    And here are the videos

    "Now You've Got Us" - an introduction by Damon and Carlton

    "The Line Forms Here!" - a video about the Kubric action figures and Jack Bender's Gallery

    Publish Post

    "ABC Starter Kit: LOST" - A recap video

    "Are You A Bookworm?" - Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse talk about books that have appeared on the show.

    "Intentionally Ambiguous" - Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse answer fan questions, and prepare for the holidays.

    Monday, December 15, 2008

    Three Hour Event on January 21st

    Tv Guide has reported that without any 'unforeseen circumstances' Lost will air interrupted this season. (Remember that there could be a screen actors guild strike in January) They may take a week off before the finale, but if they do then ABC will air another clip show like in seasons past. We don't know if the finale will be two hours, but we do know that on January 21st we will get a three hour event. The first hour is a recap, the second hour is episode one and the third hour is episode two. Here are the dates for the rest of the season:

    Ep. 1&2 - 21st Jan: Because you Left & The Lie
    Ep. 3- 28th Jan: Jughead
    Ep. 4- 4th Feb: The Little Prince
    Ep. 5- 11th Feb: This Place Is Death
    Ep. 6- 18th Feb: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
    Ep. 7- 25th Feb: 316
    Ep. 8- 4th March
    Ep. 9- 11th March
    Ep. 10- 18th March
    Ep. 11- 25th March
    Ep. 12- 1st April
    Ep. 13- 22nd April
    Ep. 14- 29th April
    Ep. 15- 6th May
    Ep. 16- 13th May
    Ep. 17 either; 20th or 27th May.

    And another trailer for funsies:

    Win Lost Season 4 DVD

    (I don't know what this haiku says so if it's offensive I'm sorry)

    I wanted to let everyone know that buddytv is giving away Lost season 4 on DVD. All you have to do is write a haiku about lost. It can be about anything as long as it relates to lost. Here's mine:

    oceanic 6
    back home now but not for long
    go back to island

    And remember a haiku is three lines, the first line is five syllables, the second is seven syllables, and the third is five syllables. Have fun. Please let me know what your haiku says, I'd love to read them.

    Here's the link:

    Saturday, December 13, 2008

    Who Is John Locke?

    Well on Lost we know that Jeremy Bentham is John Locke and most of the fans know that the real John Locke was a prominent English philosopher, who was known to develop the fundamentals of liberalism. But who is Jeremy Bentham? Well I'll share what I've found on Mr. Bentham.

    Jeremy Bentham (15 February 1748–6 June 1832) was an English jurist, philosopher, and legal and social reformer. He was a political radical, and a leading theorist in Anglo-American philosophy of law. He was a child prodigy and was found as a toddler sitting at his father's desk reading a multi-volume history of England and began his study of Latin at the age of three. He was best known for his advocacy of utilitarianism, meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome - the ends justify the means. Utilitarianism argued that the "right" action or policy was that which would cause "the greatest happiness of the greatest number". His critics objected saying that it would therefore " acceptable to torture one person if this would produce an amount of happiness in other people outweighing the unhappiness of the tortured individual." Bentham was also known for his outspoken opposition to the French revolutionary discourse of natural rights, an idea championed by philosopher John Locke, whose father, also named John Locke, worked for Jeremy Bentham. (hmmmm...Interesting) He also suggested a procedure for estimating the moral status of any action. His principle regards "good" as that which produces the greatest amount of physical or spiritual pleasure, and the minimum amount of pain; and "evil" as that which produces the most pain without the pleasure. Bentham also argued that the ability to suffer, not the ability to reason, must be the benchmark of how we treat other beings. Bentham was an outspoken critic of the violence which arose after a group called "The Jacobins"seized power in a coup after the fall of the French monarchy—on September 21, 1792. Originated as the "Club Bentham", "The Jacobin Club" was the largest and most powerful political club of the French Revolution. It was led by Maximillian Robespierre, self-styled as "the Incorruptible", he was a disciple of philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. As such, his political views were rooted in Rousseau's notion of the social contract, which promoted "the rights of man" (however, Robespierre's version was of collective rights, rather than individual rights). Any club member who by word or action showed that his principles were contrary to the constitution and 'the rights of man' was to be expelled, a rule which later on facilitated the "purification" of French society by the expulsion of its more moderate elements—this became known as the "Reign of Terror". Robespierre described it thus: "Terror is nothing other than prompt, severe, inflexible justice." Later, Robespierre (leader of The Jacobins) had a decree passed that established the "Cult of the Supreme Being". The notion of the Supreme Being was based on ideas that Jean-Jacques Rousseau had outlined in "The Social Contract". Robespierre made it clear that his concept of a Supreme Being was far different from the traditional God of Christianity. Robespierre's Supreme Being was a radical democrat, like the Jacobins. He explained: "Is it not He whose immortal hand, engraving on the heart of man the code of justice and equality, has written there the death sentence of tyrants? Is it not He who, from the beginning of time, decreed for all the ages and for all peoples liberty, good faith, and justice? He did not create kings to devour the human race. He did not create priests to harness us, like vile animals, to the chariots of kings and to give to the world examples of baseness, pride, perfidy, avarice, debauchery, and falsehood. He created the universe to proclaim His power. He created men to help each other, to love each other mutually, and to attain to happiness by the way of virtue."

    This is an interesting article and I find that it's a bit on the nose. Jeremy Bentham and John Locke on Lost obviously have alot in common as does the real John Locke. An interesting note about the real John Locke.

    John Locke, the philosopher, met prominent English politician, Anthony Cooper, in 1666 at Oxford. Locke persuaded Cooper to undergo an operation for his liver infection that saved his life. In LOST, Anthony Cooper comes to Locke with a kidney problem and Locke donates his own kidney to save his life.

    Locke is unique in that he has had at least one significant life experience in common with virtually every key plane crash survivor or island inhabitant.
    • Jack: lost their true loves because of their failure to let go of their obsessive behaviors.
    • Kate: planned and ultimately responsible for the deaths of their fathers
    • Sawyer: had their lives severely damaged by Anthony Cooper ("The Brig")
    • Hurley: abandoned by fathers; both of them are "special"; worked a series of dead end jobs, ironically Locke is ultimately employed by a company Hurley owns
    • Sayid: when forced to question their loyalties (Sayid, to the Republican Guard, Locke to the commune), commit betrayals
    • Charlie: got rid of their demons on the island
    • Jin: embarassed about their parentage, unwanted by their mothers
    • Sun: manipulated by their fathers
    • Claire: abandoned by fathers who wanted no part in raising them; their fathers appear on the island
    • Shannon: denied their fair share of their fathers' wealth
    • Boone: conned by a relative
    • Michael: injured in an accident requiring a lengthy period of rehab
    • Walt: singled out in childhood as "special" by the Others
    • Rose: healed by the island
    • Bernard: unable to establish lasting relationships deep into their lives
    • Nikki: plans somone's death, but manipulates someone else into carrying it out
    • Paulo: frequently smokes cigarettes but quits at the behest of his girlfriend
    • Eko: had lengthy encounters with the smoke monster; involved with illegal drug trade
    • Ana Lucia: required psychological counseling to deal with their anger issues
    • Desmond: brought to the island against their will to fulfill a specific destiny
    • Ben: born prematurely to a mother named Emily, but not raised by their mothers; Both have been chosen by the Island to protect it; Richard visits them both at a very young age; Both of them are special; Both planned the death of their fathers; Both have been/are leaders to The Others
    • Juliet: actively recruited under false pretenses by Richard Alpert for Mittelos to do work in "Portland"
    So there's some info you may or may not have known about one of my favorite chatacters. If you have some fun facts about Mr. Locke (real or Lost) leave a comment.

    Also let me know who your favorite characters are and why!

    Friday, December 12, 2008

    If You Care About This Sort of Thing...

    Guide is reporting that Josh Holloway(Sawyer) is going to be a father. Read a little more here:

    A Little Q and A with Damon and Carlton

    The following comes to us from Tailsection founder, Doc Arzt He recently attended a roundtable with Damon and Carlton, where the Season 4 DVD set was previewed, followed by a Q & A session with those who attended. WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD!

    Q: You’ve previously confirmed that Michael is dead. It would appear that Claire has also taken a dirt nap. But we’re still left hanging on Jin’s fate. Will both characters fates be resolved in Season 5?
    Damon Lindelof: Good question. I would beg to differ on Claire’s alledged “dirt nap” (unless you mean taking a nap on dirt) — didn’t we see her last sitting in a cabin with the mysterious Christian Shephard? As for Jin, we’ll definitely be seeing more of him in season five… but as we’re moving through past, present and future… who knows WHEN we’ll see him.
    Q: We here a lot of shows accused of jumping the shark. To your thinking, is it even possible for a show as time-bending and surprise-laden as Lost to jump the shark? In other words, how often do you guys say, “Hmm, that’s going too far?”
    Cartlon Cuse: We actually TRY and jump the shark all the time. The last thing we want to do is feel like the show is falling into a tired paradigm. In fact this season we start out with a new narrative approach. Not the now traditonal flashbacks or flashforwards. We always are trying to keep the storytelling surprsing.
    Q: At this point, how do you view the Lost DVD sets — are they part and parcel of the show? Are they extensions of it? And what are your thoughts on the people experiencing Lost week to week on TV versus in one or two or three commercial-free sittings on DVD?
    Damon Lindelof: The DVDs are definitey part and parcel of the show. We’ve always thought of an episode of Lost playing on several different levels… they’re almost designed for repeat viewings. In fact, our habitual use of planting hidden “easter eggs” is tailor-made for the DVD experience. Personally, I love watching my favorite shows (particularly serialized ones like DEXTER) one after the other. I sometimes think about how frustrating it would’ve been to read the Harry Potter books ONE CHAPTER AT A TIME once a week. I’d pretty much kill myself.
    Q: Hi Damon and Carlton, did the new structure (and experimentation) of flashbacks and flashforwards in season four open help you feel emboldened to explore even more with structure in S5 and how?
    Damon Lindelof: Howdy, Tara! Yes — the fact that the audience embraced switching gears on the show from REVERSE to DRIVE emboldened us to get a little more loose with how we drive (as long as we’re never in neutral!) the story. The cool thing about Season Five is that it takes a little while for your brain to fully absorb how the story is unfolding… but hopefully, once it does, you’ll realize we’re trying something new yet again.
    Q: It’s common knowledge that Ben was a character that came in, clicked with the audience and the story. What other characters/actors HAVE clicked that surprised you and HAVEN’T that surprised you?
    Cartlon Cuse: Good question. And you’re right about Michael Emerson. He’s the biggest example of a character who we just fell in love with beyond our expectations. I would say Desmond would also be in that category. The audience really fell in love with him right from the get-go and he quickly moved right into the mainstream of our cast. Nikki and Paulo were less successful. We tried to introduce them out of the show’s chorus as it were and the audience cried foul. We listened and killed them off.
    Q: We saw a lot more of Christian Shepherd in Season 4. Does this re-appearance tie into the empty coffin Jack discovered in Season 1?
    Damon Lindelof: Indeed it does… and I think its safe to say you’ll be seeing Christian again in Season Five. And what’s up with those white tennis shoes he was wearing back in Season One?
    Q: It seems that the next season will have A stories set in two time frames. Does this mean that you have to outline the story of the season in advance in ways you never did before?
    Cartlon Cuse: Our approach to the story telling changed drastically once we were able to negotiate an end date to the show. Before that we didn’t know if the mythology had to last two seasons or seven seasons. Once we knew there were only going to be 48 eps of the show left we were able to start charting out the remaining journey. We approach it on three levels. First we have discussions about the uber-mythology and plant the big landmark events in rough locations. Then at the end of each season we have a writer’s mini camp where we discuss the arc of the upcoming season in great detail. Then we break each individual episode and see where we end up at the end of each break. We give ourselves a fair about of latitude to listen to the show and react — writing more or less for various characters or situations depending on how they play.
    Q: The show continues to return to eastern religion and mysticism. How much of that is your personal interests and how much of that is just window dressing?
    Damon Lindelof: Well… we try to infuse the show with all sorts of religious allegory, depending on what kind of story we’re telling. The Eastern religion and mysticism is something that started coming up a lot as we talked about the Dharma Initiative… but the thinking was more, “What if these hippies from Ann Arbor, Michigan were kind’ve like the Beatles and thought a trip to India could spiritually rebirth them?” Hopefully, when all is said and done, the themes of the show are hopefully universally spiritual… at least that’s what we’re going for.
    Q: When you’re breaking stories, do you play to the strengths of a particular director — character development = Stephen Williams, action = Jack Bender — or do you tell the best story and let your incredible production crew figure out how to bring it to life?
    Cartlon Cuse: Thank you Stephen Williams, masquerading as Michael Stailey, for your question. No, we break the episodes irrespective of who’s up on the director’s calendar. In fact, the director’s schedule is fairly fluid and they move slots so we would drive ourselves crazy trying to target a certain episode for a certain director.
    Doc For UGO: There is a lot of concern amongst fans over how the show will work without the chemistry of the full ensemble. Is that separation something you will address in season 5, or is that more part of the remaining two seasons of story.
    Damon Lindelof: We’re concerned, too! I think everyone, writers and fans alike, feels the show is at its best when our characters are together… but the fact of the matter is that the story is constantly twisting and turning to keep them apart. Let’s face it — Absence makes the heart grow fonder… but there’s nothing sweeter than a reunion. All we’re willing to say at this point is that if we were to spend the ENTIRE duration of Season Five with the Oceanic Six trying to get back to the island, we are fully aware that the audience would strangle us.
    Q: You mentioned Desmond earlier… his reunion with Penny at the end of S4 was one of the greatest moments in the show’s history thus far (not to mention one of the year’s best TV moments). Nothing’s going to happen in S5 to jeopardize their happiness, right? Right?
    Damon Lindelof: I’m sorry, Daniel. Wrong. Wrong.
    Doc For UGO: Hey Guys, when will season one and two be getting the Blu-Ray treatment? Any plans?
    Cartlon Cuse: Hi Jon. We have heard of no plans to go back and re-release seasons one and two on bluRay. But if I were a betting man I’d lay down a lot of money that you’ll be ale to buy a complete series blu-Ray box set when all is said and done.
    Q: Do you feel that following the various viral campaigns that have been tied to the show is essential for understanding the mythology? Is there a risk of losing more casual viewers who can’t keep track of the complex mythology.
    Cartlon Cuse: We consider the viral campaigns to just be additive and non-essential. Our rule of thumb is you should not need to watch anything but the mothership — the network show — to have a complete understanding (or at least as much as that is possible) of the show.
    Q: If you had to pick THE pivotal moment from season four, for each of you, what was it? Why that scene?
    Damon Lindelof: Hard to pick, but the one that immediately leaps to mind is the scene in the finale between Jack and Locke in the greenhouse. Obviously, the ramifications of Locke telling Jack (once again) that he’s not supposed to leave the island… but if he does, he must LIE about everything that happens… is essentially what kicks off the entire story of the Oceanic Six. We think its really cool that it was actually Locke’s idea, even though Jack doesn’t present it that way. And now that Jack is standing over Locke’s coffin, the relationship between these two men becomes really central to the endgame of our story.
    Q: Do the shorter season schedules give you the time and energy needed to accomplish want you want, or do you still find yourself under the gun from week to week? Are you still on a 8-day turnaround schedule?
    Cartlon Cuse: Thanks Michael. No, we are still on the same schedule, starting a new episode every eight days. Its just that the overall production season is shorter. When we’re in the middle of it, its just as insane. The biggest benefit to only doing 17 hours this year is pacing — we don’t find ourselves writing stall episodes. It really allows us to keep the peddle to the metal.
    Q: Will there still be flashbacks and flash forwards next season?
    Cartlon Cuse: Hi Kelly. Yes, there will still be flashbacks and flashforwards but we are not limiting ourselves to those ways of transitioning between stories. We still love doing them and will when appropriate. There are still some cool flashbacks left to tell for our characters.
    Doc For UGO: The story has really arrived at a point where the science fiction and fantasy aspects can’t really stay in the subtext anymore, is this liberating for you guys as writers or do you wish you could go back to some of the science vs faith ambiguity of the earlier episodes?
    Damon Lindelof: It actually IS liberating… but at the same time, the show constantly forces us to evolve. We CAN’T go back to the ambiguity of Season One because our characters have experienced so much since then. Carlton and I often talk about the STAND… how the story starts with something scientific, an epidemic that kills of 99% of the world’s population… but slowly and steadiy transforms into a mystical tale where people are having prophetic dreams… and finally, LITERALLY ends with the hand of God coming out of the sky and setting off a nuclear device. Our story has always been about a journey… but just because we’re embracing some of the more fantastical aspects of the island, doesn’t mean we’re completely abandoning the science vs. faith of it all.
    Q: You’ve mentioned Nikki and Paolo not hitting with the audience. How do you draw a line between making the audience happy and telling the story you set out to tell?
    Cartlon Cuse: Devin, its now kind of a moot point. Moving forward it will be virtually impossible for us to adjust in-season to audience feedback. By the time the show premieres on Jan 21 we will have written 14 of the 17 hours and probably will be deep into the specific scene plotting for the finale. This season we’re going to be completely relying on our on instincts and judgments — combined with the feedback of our collaborators here on the show and at the studio and network.
    Q: What television series imprinted you as kids the most growing up-that perhaps influenced your decision to make a career in smallscreen?
    Damon Lindelof: Thanks for asking that question, April… because I was a TV JUNKIE growing up. Other than watching endless hours of cartoons (THUNDERCATS, VOLTRON and yes, SMURFS), I loved watching “grownup shows” with my folks… like DALLAS. Perhaps that’s where I got my love for melodrama! The show that REALLY affected me, however, was TWIN PEAKS, which I’d watch every week with my dad. He’d tape the show on his VCR (remember those?) and we’d watch the episode AGAIN right after it aired in our quest to pull every last clue out of the show. The idea of a TV Show being a mystery and a game that spawned hundreds of theories obviously was a major precedent (that’s a fancy way of saying we ripped it off) for LOST.
    Q: Watching season four in one or two sittings, on DVD, do you think there’s a break in style between the pre-strike and post-strike episodes?
    Damon Lindelof: Hopefully not, Charlie. The fact of the matter is that we designed out — at least roughly — the entire sixteen episode season… planting flags as to what would happen where in the grand scheme of things. In that original design, there were a couple of episodes focusing more on the Freighter Folks (Faraday, Miles and Charlotte) that got pushed into this season, but more importantly, things like Jack’s appendicitis and Keamy arriving at New Otherton and killing Alex happened SOONER than we had planned due to the collapsed schedule. I think if there’s a sense of separation between the first eight episodes (ending with “Meet Kevin Johnson”) and the final six hours, it’s that the story is really moving at a much higher rate of speed than we’re traditionally accustomed to.
    Q: Now that you are close to being finished with writing season five, how does it feel to know you are so close to the home stretch in this odyssey? Has it brought out reflections or feelings you didn’t expected either personally about the process or towards the storyline?
    Cartlon Cuse: Tara, I think all of us who work on the show know what a special experience it is. Our ability to negotiate and end date to the show so far in advance was I believe unprecedented in network TV. It has given us a real sense of what the journey is going to be. Normally when you work on a TV show you never know when it is going to end. You’re just trying to survive season to season until the proverbial horse drops out from underneath you. We’re not quite far enough along yet to start to wax nostalgic, but I think we all recognize that we’ve had a chance to do something really extraordinary. I was watching all the bonus features and thinking about the special alchemy of LOST. You can do your best as a storyteller but on TV you also need a great cast, crew, directors, composer, etc. You really see on those features what a collaborative art form it is. We are truly blessed that this assembly of talent came together for this project. The journey of making a show over six years and the hourse it takes really makes you a family — and we’re about as happy and as functional a TV family as I’ve ever seen or worked with.
    Q: With the end of the series looming in 2010, is a feature film being considered at all?
    Damon Lindelof: The answer, Brian, is no. At least not by us. We’ve always felt that the show should definitively end the same place it started… on television. To bring our characters to some sort of cliffhanger where the audience gets none of the answers that they really care about and then say, “Now give us ten bucks. buy some popcorn and we’ll give you the rest!” would pretty much be the worst thing ever.
    Q: Are we ever going to get back-stories for Rousseau, Libby, and/or Walt or does that now fall by the wayside with only thirty-four episodes left?
    Cartlon Cuse: Let’s just say you will get more information about Rousseau and Walt at least. We can’t comment about who will or wont get full-on flashbacks. Obviously as the story moves forward we’ll be answering questions at a faster rate. But some stories — like Libby’s — we feel are pretty much finished.Q: What’s up with the four-toes statue and some of the crazy stuff that’s happened over the years on the show … are we ever going to get the answers to these questions?
    Cartlon Cuse: Yes, more on the 4 toed statue to come! In fact (spoiler) the 4 toed state might come to life in the Zombie season. As we roll into the end of season 5 and certainly in season 6 the show will definitely be much more in answer mode.
    Q: By having shorter seasons now, do you feel the storytelling has become much easier — or do you feel regret and often go “man, it would be great to have three more episodes?”
    Damon Lindelof: The storytelling has never been easy… but we’ve always felt that “less is more.” The complaint that we got most often in the first couple seasons of the show is that we were not moving the story forwards fast enough — “stalling” — which, unfortunately, is a necessary tactic when you’re doing 25 episodes a year. The truth is that we actually liked those episodes low on incident (”Claire sends a message on a bird, anyone?”), but the show is much more fun to write when we can just power through and give you guys a hearty meal as opposed to a zillion little courses that never quite get you full.
    Closing Remarks
    Damon: All right, gang! Thanks so much for stopping by and we hope you dig the DVD! We know its our job to pimp the product, but in this case, the extras are actually pretty awesome. Especially since I get to wear an eyepatch in one. So Happy Holidays and we’ll chat with you again once the new season gets hopping!
    Carlton: Thanks so much for showing up today. We gotta go. The writer’s room awaits. We hope you guys will enjoy the upcoming episodes and hope to talk to you all again soon. Best, Carlton

    Casting Call!

    Sorry folks I've been on Vacay for a few days but not to worry here's some lost news for you. There will be quite a few new characters this season here's the descriptions given for the casting calls:
    • An Arabic speaking father in his 40s. He's domineering and quick-tempered and trying to bring his boys up properly. He feels he has to teach his son a lesson about how to be a real man.
    • An Arabic speaking boy of about 12. He is sensitive and kind-hearted, but scared of his domineering father and knows he's a sad disappointment.
    • Ivan is in his late 30s to 40s. He has a Russian accent and is pudgy, wealthy, and upper-class. He has lived the good life, but gambling debts have caught up with him. Now he fears for his life from the Russian mob.
    • Marty Jankowsky is in his 40s or 50s. He's smart and controlling and has his own way of doing things. He's a deep and free thinker and uses his fierce intellect as a weapon and you don't want to cross him.
    • Jack Ross is a former air force bomber pilot in his 30s who uses his professional skills and unflappable demeanor to maintain order in a highly chaotic environment. He's smart, professional and competent. He keeps his wits as those around him in a crisis are losing theirs.
    • Phil is in his mid 20s to mid 40s. He's thin, serious, and usually in a bad mood. He works in corporate security, a task master, and runs his teams by the rules.
    • Jerry is in his mid 20s or 30s. He's a dangerous bad boy who is charming and always up for a good time. He works in corporate security and can be serious and tough when he needs to be.
    • There is also a doctor who is in his 30s. He's smart, hippyish, well-trained, and finds himself thrown into a situation outside of his medical experience and has to adjust.
    • Amy is a smart, attractive and charismatic Caucasian woman between 35 and 42 years old. She is outdoorsy, adventurous, and comfortably successful at her job. Her love life is complicated and a reflection of her own complex nature. Men find her attractive and she likes qualities of each of her suitors, but is looking for the whole package. Other women find her funny and honest. Played by Reiko Aylesworth.
    • Hal is a successful and handsome Caucasian man in his 70s. He can still fight the establishment and win.
    • Mike is a scientist in his 30s or 40s who has a Czech accent. He's intelligent, creative, and excited to show his boss his latest discovery. He's worked hard and knows he's on the brink of something big.
    • Vicki is an attractive woman in her 30s or 40s. She's charming, coy, and knows how to get what she wants. She's spent a lifetime in bars and can read guys very well.
    • Rupa is a South Asian Indian woman in her 20s. She's pretty, sweet, and fun-loving. She's a professional woman who can be tougher than she appears and who can deal with difficult customers with charm and ease.
    • Nandi is a South Asian Indian in his early to mid thirties. He's smart and professional and used to working with difficult and annoying people.
    • Dr. Evelyn Ariza is in her 30s or 40s and is Chief of staff at a hospital. She's attractive with a great bed-side manner, but tough and carries her authority well. She's not afraid to make difficult decisions. She'll appear in just one episode.
    • Tony is in his late 20s to early 30s and is tough, formidable, and someone who could take an order and execute it flawlessly.
    • Vincent (Don't we know a dog by this name? Interesting!) is in his early to mid 30s and the owner of a Tunisian bar. Smug and smart, he knows he's better than most of his colleagues but has a short temper. He thinks he's a tough guy and gets himself into trouble because of it.
    • Leon is in his late 20s and is reserved, handsome, and talented.
    • Solanga is in his late 50s and is Filipino. He's the village doctor in a small, rural community. Has vices, but also has genuine medical skills. He speaks relatively good English with an accent.
    • The Janitor is in his late 40s or 50s with a British working class accent. He's nosy and opinionated and spreads rumors at a school. He knows every one's business and can't keep a secret.
    • Abigail is a British nurse in her 30s takes care of Theresa.
    • Theresa is a British woman in her 30s who suffers from dementia.
    • Jill is in her late 20s to late 30s. She's a tomboy and highly competent.
    • Cunningham is in his mid to late 30s and is athletic and used to living off the land. He is a loyal soldier but willing to compromise with the enemy to protect his men. He'll appear in the second and third episodes.
    • Foreman is in his 40s or 50s. He is a blue-collar construction worker who worked hard to get where he is and provide for his family. He cares deeply for his crew, and hates it when management is condescending and arrogant, but ultimately knows his place in the pecking order.
    • Martha is a scientist in her late 30s. She has a strong personality and is taking a break to raise her baby, but plans to return to work again. She completely believes in the work she is doing but sometimes questions the decisions of those in charge. She will be in multiple episodes.
    • Dan is a high-priced attorney in his 40s. He is sharp and friendly with a menace lurking below the surface. He will appear in multiple episodes.
    • Nigel is British and in his late teens. Despite being rough around the edges, he is mature and extremely smart. He'll appear in the second and third episodes of season 5.
    • Sophie is British, in her late teens, and seemingly innocent, but in actuality hides a toughness and ingenuity. She'll be in the third episode of the season.
    • Caesar is dangerous, physical and extremely intelligent. He's between the ages of 35 and 45 and he's skillful at charming people and killing them. He'll be in multiple episodes.
    • Ilana is a European woman in her late 20s or early 30s who is intelligent and dangerous, alluring and used to getting her own way. She'll be in multiple episodes.

    Friday, December 5, 2008

    Season 5 Cast Photo

    Ah, the new cast photo. I like how they mixed the jungle and urban themes. Very fitting. Enjoy.

    You Stay Classy San Diego!

    This is a little late, most of you have probably seen this, but here is the info from this years Comic-Con in San Diego. Lost producers showed this video
    then went on to answer questions. They gave custom prizes to each person who asked a question. The best prize, in my opinion, went to the guy who asked a question about Richard Alpert. He received a t-shirt that says "I asked a question about Richard Alpert and all I got was this lousy t-shirt".

    So here's what we learned from the fans very good questions:
    • When the hatch imploded (episode 2x23, Live Together, Die Alone) the island didn't move like it did during the season 4 finale.
    • "Dead" is a relative term. Jin and Locke will be seen in some form in season 5.
    • We will get Rousseau's story, though it won't necessarily come from a flashback or flash forward.
    • The show will still have flashbacks and flash forwards, but will move in a new direction with the narrative.
    • The other writers don't know all, but know most of what Damon and Carlton know of what is coming up for the next two season.
    • Vincent is okay and will appear in season 5 and will most likely make it to the end of the series
    • Kate will see Sawyer in season 5.
    • When season 5 starts, you won't know when and where we are at first.
    • Daniel knew about the secondary protocol from his notebook. His notebook has things in it that haven't yet happened.
    • The writers often "write themselves into a corner" throwing out "What if's" in the writers room. They always know how they are going to get the characters out of a particular situation before they begin filming, though.
    • Aging on the island is a different process than what we are used to. Richard Alpert is "old". Matthew Fox guessed that he is 125 years old and Damon said he was wrong.
    • We will learn more about Richard Alpert in season 5. Damon also said we'll get to see his toes. (Hopefully a reference to the four toed satute.)

    Spoilers, Eh Not Really

    I hate how people claim to have spoilers then just have rumors or things people have seen onset. Which I don't consider spoilers, however I guess some people don't want to know. If you're one of those people then don't read the following.

    Here's a list of things I've seen or read about the upcoming season.

    • A crash involving several cars takes place around episode 6. Locke steps out, bloodied and shaken, and looks over the damage to the car he was in. (The Transmission)
    • Daniel Dae Kim (Jin) has been spotted on the set with the actress playing the young Rousseau. (The Transmission)
    • Matthew Abaddon was seen in a hospital with Widmore. (The Transmission)
    • Now we are finding out that there is only one off-island Dharma station and that Rose and Bernard have been there before. Remember when Bernard took Rose to see the healer in Australia?
    • Desmond's all knowing pawn shop owner and advisor, Ms. Hawking, returns for season 5 to reveal an interesting connection between herself and another character. But we don't know who yet.
    • The return of Neil Frogurt! Frogurt was mentioned by Hurley in an early episode as the man who used to sell frozen yogurt. He was then featured in a mobisode with Hurley, making it clear that he was interested in Libby. Mr. Frogurt makes his grand return in season 5.
    • Damon says we'll see Desmond in the future (get the double meaning?).
    • Kristen at E Online! tells us that Jack, Kate, Sayid, Sun, and Hurley all need to go back to the island because they need to fan out to a group of Dharma stations. I've also heard rumors that Desmond will be among these six (six including baby Aaron).
    • Doug Hutchinson is set to return as Horace Goodspeed for at least 4 episodes in season 5.
    • Claire will not be in season 5, but will return for season 6. (Ausiello Video)
    • Daniel Dae Kim was in Hawaii, so this looks like good news for Jin. Don't worry I'll have a whole Jin post coming soon.(Ausiello Video)
    • A building in Hawaii has been transformed into Simon's Butcher Shop. Simon is the name of the Charlie's dad, who was a butcher, so we may be getting some Charlie flashbacks early on in season 5.
    • Sterling Beaumon, who played young Ben in season 4 will return in season 5.
    • Said Taghmaoui has been cast in the role of Caesar.
      Zuleikha Robinson has been cast for the role of Ilana.
    • Cheech Marin will appear again, presumably as Hurley's dad, David Reyes.
    • William Blanchette, who first appeared on Lost in season 2 as baby Aaron and then returned in season 4 as toddler Aaron in Jack's flash-forward, will return again in season 5 as toddler Aaron.

    Take the Money and Run

    Here's a scene from the upcoming season premiere. A little sneak peak for you. In the scene Kate's back to her old self again. When two lawyers show up asking for blood samples from her and Arron, she kicks them off her property and starts packing. She grabs a stack of cash and tells Arron they're leaving. So much for staying put, but it's good to see some things never change.

    Are We There Yet?

    Nope, not even close. We're actually 47 days away! January 21st is when Lost returns, but most of you probably knew that.

    I do have some episode titles for you though.

    Season 5, Ep 1: Because You Left

    Season 5, Ep 2: The Lie

    Season 5, Ep 3: Jughead

    Season 5, Ep 4: The Little Prince

    Season 5, Ep 5: This Place is Death

    Season 5, Ep 6: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

    Season 5, Ep 7: 316

    Also in case you haven't seen it yet...

    The Lost Trailers for Season 5

    Season 4 on DVD

    Well I managed to get my hands on an early copy of the Season 4 dvds. I have to say while these photos are terrible(thanks iPhone) I really enjoyed the packaging. Another pretty dvd box to sit next to Seasons 1-3.

    The dvd contained a nice safety message from Oceanic Airlines. It's designed to be an pamphlet on the airplane itself telling you what to do in case of emergency. One even says "if you need wheelchair assistance please see flight attendant Loche". While I didn't know Locke went to work for Oceanic, it is a little amusing.

    The DVD's themselves are pretty straight forward, since the season was shortened they give you two discs of bonus features the list includes:

    Lost Bloopers
    Audio Commentaries
    Deleted Scenes
    Lost on Location - Go on location with the cast and crew of Lost for a behind-the-scenes look at the making of some of season 4’s hottest episodes.
    Freighter Folk - Where did the folks on the freighter come from? Get to know them and find out what the show runners looked for in new cast members.
    Transforming Hawaii - From the deserted beach to urban Los Angeles, Hawaii serves as a global backdrop for the excitement and intrigue of Lost. Join the small army of technicians that transforms Hawaii to the island as they go about their duties.
    The Right to Bear Arms – Lost features a formidable array of firearms. Get real life gun profiles and find out what it’s like working with so much firepower.
    The Music of Lost – The Honolulu Symphony performs Michael Giacchino’s award-winning score live for the first time ever. Witness the power of the show’s many musical themes as well as its innovative use of instruments, and learn how music affects the production from writing to directing.

    For the most part the features are about 20 minutes a piece and will give you some insight to the making of the show. Not a lot in the way of info about the plot or anything like that.

    The deleted scenes are ok, most of them I understood why they were cut.(they didn't give us any real info about the characters or story) The one I found the most interesting was a scene where Miles, Kate, and Sayid are traveling to the Barracks. They are stopped by the giant "fence" and while Kate and Sayid are trying to figure out how to turn it off, Miles starts to do his "talking to the dead" thing he does and walks through the fence. He then tells them he doesn't "think" it's turned on. There was also a humorous scene between Hurley and Sawyer where they discuss their living situation at the Barracks.

    So get out there and pick up Season 4 on Tuesday December 9th.