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    Tuesday, December 16, 2008

    Dharma Special Access

    The newest addition to the Dharma Special Access is up today. For those of you who don't know the DSA is a website where Damon and Carlton post videos weekly about well...Lost. It started back in November and it replaced the Dharma Initiative Recruiting Project. The videos are posted on as well but I'm going to go back and put all four here. If you want to go to the Dharma Special Access website you'll need a password so here they are:
    • The initial password that was used to access this site was lafleur.
    • The second password was qilak.
    • The third password was adella courey.
    • The current password is kapalaran.
    And here are the videos

    "Now You've Got Us" - an introduction by Damon and Carlton

    "The Line Forms Here!" - a video about the Kubric action figures and Jack Bender's Gallery

    Publish Post

    "ABC Starter Kit: LOST" - A recap video

    "Are You A Bookworm?" - Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse talk about books that have appeared on the show.

    "Intentionally Ambiguous" - Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse answer fan questions, and prepare for the holidays.

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