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    Friday, May 1, 2009

    The Variable Review

    Lost's 100th episode, the Variable was a Daniel Faraday centered episode. We first see Daniel as a young boy playing the piano, Eloise points out Daniels gift and tells him he must focus on his work. The next time we see Daniel is at his college graduation, once again mommy tells him to focus on his work. They get into a bit of an argument, but that quickly ends when Daniel mentions his grand of 1.5 million dollars from one Charles Widmore. Eloise quickly give Daniels his time travel journal and leaves. Then we go back to the moment where Daniel sees the Oceanic plane on the bottom of the ocean floor. This is a pivotal scene for Lost because for the first time we learn who's telling the truth about the plane. Widmore shows up at Dan's and offers him a job on the frieghter and tells Daniel that the Island will heal him. He also tells Daniel that he was the one who put the plane at the bottom of the ocean. So it turns out Ben was not lying about this one, Widmore is the one who faked the plane crash. In one last flashback, Daniel comes full circle and is back to playing the piano and his mother comes in to tell him to go to the island and continue his research knowing what will happen to him if he does. Thirty years earlier Daniel comes back to the Island after seeing the new Dharma recruits. He tries to convince Pierre Chang that he is from the future and Chang needs to evacuate the Island because of the upcoming incident. Chang refuses to believe Daniel. Back at the Barracks Sawyer informs the gang that the jig is up, they're moving on, so it's back to the beach or commender the sub and head back to the main land. The vote ends up being for the beach, but Dan wants Jack and Kate to take him to the Others. After a shootout with some Dharma folks, they make it out of Dharmaville. Once in the jungle of mystery Daniels lays his plan out for Jack and Kate. Use the jughead to prevent the swan from being built, so Desmond will never end up in the swan, and will never cause Oceanic flight 815 to crash on the island. Once they get to the Others camp, Daniel goes in waving a gun in Richards face and gets shot by his mother Eloise. We find out that she knew all along that she was going to kill him and she pushed it to happen anyway. We also find out at the end of the episode something many people have been speculating, Charles Widmore is Daniels father. In next weeks episode Follow the Leader, Jack and Kate find themselves at odds over the direction to take to save their fellow island survivors, Locke further solidifies his stance as leader of "The Others," and Sawyer and Juliet come under scrutiny from the DHARMA Initiative.

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