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    Tuesday, May 26, 2009

    Lost Hiatus

    I've had time to digest the finale and cope with the fact that Lost wont return until 2010. The questions are still swirling in my brain and will be for the rest of the year. Since this is a Lost blog and there is not a lot of Lost news, the posts will come fewer and further between. Do not fear though I'll get you any and all Lost news as soon as becomes available. As well as some extra stuff over the coming months. So be sure to check back in regularly and if you follow me on twitter ( _Lost_Island ) you'll receive updates every time I have something new.

    By the way, I'll be re-watching the entire series leading up to the season six premier. I hope you are too. Enjoy the hiatus!

    1 comment:

    barry said...

    i finally got around to purchasing season 4. but sadly, rewatching it is not as fun as i had hoped. so much 'old news' lol...