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    Wednesday, June 3, 2009

    Team Darlton Need Attention

    I guess that being out of the spotlight for a minute was driving Team Darlton crazy, because yesterday out of nowhere they decided to trow a tidbit at us. It's nothing, it's really less than nothing, but these nothings are how we get through the off season.

    This from sundaymercury:

    Lost masterminds Carlton Cuse and Damen Lindelof dop hints about how ABC hit drama will end

    Jun 2 2009

    Lost masterminds Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have been dropping hints about how the show will end next spring.

    Among the mysteries unravelled in the very last episode will be the significance of the four-toed statue, what the Smoke Monster really is and who the skeletons in the cave were.

    (We reckon Egyptian fertility goddess Taweret, conscience and Penny & Desmond respectively, for what it's worth!)

    Says Cuse: "The end of the show will be a combination of trying to answer mysteries the audience still cares about, such as the statue and the Smoke Monster.

    "We'll also be answering the skeletons in the cave question. We will answer the questions we feel are important and central to the plot.

    "At the same time we will be trying to tell redemption stories about the characters. These characters do indeed have a destiny.

    I would like to go on record as saying that I think Rose and Bernard are the skeletons in the cave. I can't see how they would have gotten Desmond and Penny to that point, but stranger things have happened. This is Lost.

    1 comment:

    barry said...

    i'm with you. penny and desmond in the cave...where the heck did that come from and how could that be the case?