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    Showing posts with label ben linus. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label ben linus. Show all posts

    Thursday, July 2, 2009

    Michael Emerson Talks About Series Finale

    Michael Emerson spoke with EW about the series finale and the season 5 confusing season finale. The Latest from EW and Ausiello:

    Anyways do you have any more Lost scoop? --Erick
    Ausiello: May's series finale is going to be a real downer, predicts Michael Emerson. "I don't think Lost will have a happy ending," he confessed to us at the Saturn Awards. "It's the end and I think we are going to start seeing more casualties. I would put money on major characters being killed. I believe it will be a sad ending to the show -- or at least bittersweet. I think it will definitely be a series finale for grownups." Emerson, meanwhile, is still trying to make sense of the season 5 finale. (Join the club!) "I killed Jacob... maybe... probably," he hedged. "It isn't like we haven't seen plenty of other people be killed and somehow come back. And what does it mean if I did kill him? I Who the hell was he anyway? Obviously, Ben wanted a father. So much of our show is about bad fathers. It is one of our biggest themes. And Jacob disappointed in those final moments. And maybe Jacob made it easy for him. Maybe that was all meant to happen. Is it all ordained? Maybe. And for that matter, can Jacob even be killed? Stay tuned is my response."

    Wednesday, February 11, 2009

    Lost in Tv Guide

    This is a blurb about Lost from TV guide:

    I recently saw Malcolm David Kelley, "Walt haircut" and all, hawking chicken snacks in a Tyson commercial. It didn't fill me with a lot of hope for his future on Lost. Care to comment? — Adam
    MATT: Did it occur to you that MDK was working the Walt 'do because he recently filmed an episode of Lost, scheduled to air Feb. 25? Just don't expect Michael's son to factor into Ben's mission to return select former castaways to the isle. As Michael Emerson tells us, "The writers would say that Walt ... left the island at a time that wasn't key. It's not just about the six who left; it's about when and how they left."

    What I find interesting is what Emerson said, 'It's not just about the six who left; it's about when and how they left.' So does this mean Desmond and Frank Lipidus also have to go back? And if so can Des take Penny and Charlie with him? I don't think I could take them splitting up Des and Pen. And why John Locke's 'dead' body? He didn't leave at the same time or in the same manner as the Oceanic Six...or did he? So many questions, but I believe most of this stuff will be resolved very soon. The Oceanic Six should be back on the Island by episode 7, 316. Which I believe is the Arjira Airways flight they take to get back to the Island. What's your thought on who has to go back to the Island and why must they go back?

    Tuesday, February 10, 2009

    Michael Emerson: The Lost Interview

    The Daily Beast had an interview with Michael Emerson recently. They didn't talk a lot of spoilers but they did talk about what's next for Ben.

    You have an interest in comedy, yet keep getting pegged as these villainous characters. On what kind of sitcom would you like to guest star?

    I think Ben and John Locke [from Lost] should be roommates in Brooklyn. And then just have wacky adventures.

    Well, sweeps month is coming up, so they could do a crossover appearance and just drop in on Ugly Betty in New York.

    Take that idea that they are freely bouncing around the time-space continuum and have them plop down randomly in the middle of different shows. Some shows [our characters] would fit in neatly, like Battlestar Galactica, and other shows we would be so out of place. Like 30 Rock—how jarring would that be?

    Full Interview Here

    There was another interview with Emerson here from the Washington Post.

    Wednesday, February 4, 2009

    NPR Gets Lost

    Today the NPR had three interviews about Lost:

    Gregg Nations is the co-producer and script coordinator on the hit TV show Lost. It's his job to track what happens to every character, on the island and off. On a show famous for its clue-riddled scenes and twisting plot lines, that's no simple task.
    Listen here

    Michael Emerson plays the brutal and calculating Ben Linus on the ABC drama Lost. In this archived interview, Emerson talks with Alex Cohen about how he creates his creepy on-screen persona.
    Listen here

    The new season of the ABC series Lost is underway, and critic Andrew Wallenstein isn't sure which is the bigger mystery: all of the unanswered questions in the program's storylines or the fact that he continues to watch.
    Listen here