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    Wednesday, February 4, 2009

    NPR Gets Lost

    Today the NPR had three interviews about Lost:

    Gregg Nations is the co-producer and script coordinator on the hit TV show Lost. It's his job to track what happens to every character, on the island and off. On a show famous for its clue-riddled scenes and twisting plot lines, that's no simple task.
    Listen here

    Michael Emerson plays the brutal and calculating Ben Linus on the ABC drama Lost. In this archived interview, Emerson talks with Alex Cohen about how he creates his creepy on-screen persona.
    Listen here

    The new season of the ABC series Lost is underway, and critic Andrew Wallenstein isn't sure which is the bigger mystery: all of the unanswered questions in the program's storylines or the fact that he continues to watch.
    Listen here

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