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    Thursday, January 29, 2009

    Crazy Theory of the Week

    This weeks Crazy Theory also involves Daniel Farraday. My theory is that he not only knew Richard before their meeting at the Others Tent City. I'm going all the way on the limb to say that he may be ageless like Richard and he may have four toes. The logic behind this theory is:
    1. Eloise Hawking is his mother(so I believe) and she obviously has a deep connection to the Island.
    2. The Other woman in the jungle told Daniel, "You just couldn't stay away could you?"
    3. The exchange Richard and Daniel have where they ask each other "What's your name?" seemed a little deeper than a man asking a prisoner his name.
    Barry says:
    and don't you think 'ellie' is probably eloise? seems pretty obvious, especially with ellie's tight-lipped style of speaking...just like eloise in her old age...and she knows daniel at her young age...yada yada...

    Response to Barry:
    I love that! So do you think when he said you look just like her, that he was referring to his mom and not the woman he experimented on?

    Barry says:
    i'm not sure on that 'you look just like her' business. i mean, it was definitely presented in context to seem that daniel was referring to teresa...and it would seem kinda strange for him to say his mother looked like herself. if he were thinking about his mother, wouldn't he have said something more like, 'wow, you look just like yourself when you are young'? lol...

    Responce to Barry:
    He may not have known that 'Ellie' is his mother and even though the context was presented as if he were talking about Teresa that may not be the case. Throughout the journey that is Lost, many time I've believed one thing because of context only to find out that I was mistaken. Still even if he was referring to Teresa, he obviously didn't know 'Ellie' was Elouis because why would he tell his mom how much she looks like his girlfriend.
    On a similar note have you heard the theory that Widmore is his father? It's being thrown around, but I don't like it yet. He did fund his research and Ellie and Charles were on the Island at the same time, but still the connection is not there for me. What do you think?


    Anonymous said...

    and don't you think 'ellie' is probably eloise? seems pretty obvious, especially with ellie's tight-lipped style of speaking...just like eloise in her old age...and she knows daniel at her young age...yada yada...

    Anonymous said...

    i'm not sure on that 'you look just like her' business. i mean, it was definitely presented in context to seem that daniel was referring to teresa...and it would seem kinda strange for him to say his mother looked like herself. if he were thinking about his mother, wouldn't he have said something more like, 'wow, you look just like yourself when you are young'? lol...