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    Tuesday, January 27, 2009


    This article is from MSNBC
    It doesn't really have anything to do with Lost, but I found it interesting.

    ‘Lost’ star resents his sex symbol status

    Playing the part of habitually shirtless Sawyer on “Lost” made Josh Holloway a sex symbol, but the actor and former model finds that hot-bod status more of a burden than a boon.

    In an interview with Company magazine, Holloway revealed the downside of looking too good for his own good.

    “The whole sex-symbol thing is really strange,” he explained. “I wouldn't wish it on anybody. I appreciate the opportunity to work, the cash it gives you, and other things it provides are wonderful. But the celebrity thing... I don't like attention. Like anybody, it's impossible not to feel self-conscious if someone's looking at you all the time, everywhere you go.”

    The problem goes beyond Holloway’s personal discomfort with the trappings of fame, as the star admits unwanted attention from well-meaning fans even affects his marriage.

    "If someone approaches me and asked for a picture and I say no, then I'll feel like an ass,” he said. “But if I say OK, I'll often end up doing another picture and another. Then my wife gets upset and we have a fight and that's not good either."

    I have this to say to Mr. Holloway:
    Really!?! Really!?! I'm sure there are a lot of people in the unemployment lines that would LOVE to have your job. It must be real terrible to be on a hit TV show and to have a job. Remind me again, what were you in before Lost? Oh that's right an Aerosmith video and a JCPenny's catalog.
    Sawyer may be one of my favorite Lost characters, but come on Josh, it can't be that bad.

    Response to comment:
    Ok so I may have been a bit harsh on Sawyer and the JCPenny's comment was below the belt. My point was simply that fame is a part of his job. We all have parts of our job we don't like, but when thousands of people are losing there jobs daily it's a little insensitive to complain about any part of your job. Those of us who are fortunate enough to have jobs should simply be glad we aren't dealing with the hardship of unemployment. So while I was a bit rude about it, I just wanted to make the point that he should be thankful and grateful instead of complaining to a national news source about his fans.


    Anonymous said...

    He didn't say he didn't like his job. Re-read it, he doesn't like CELEBRITY. He doesn't like being followed around.

    Plenty of stars love their work but hate the fame that comes with it. No big deal.

    Anonymous said...

    From what I have heard his wife's the problem. In her own words she is the one cashing the cheques so the woman needs to chill and relasie that having ohotos taken comes with those huge cheques.