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    Tuesday, January 27, 2009


    This is from Lost Spoilers:

    Episode 5.9 - Namaste - Filming Details Thanks to one of my others sources on the set, Peytoncrimsucks, who has allowed me to reveal the following details. I'll be posting these set spoilers behind Are You Sure buttons as they are pretty spoilerly. I have a whole heap of spoilers coming in from a variety of sources both on set, post production and others that hopefully they will allow me to share with you over the upcoming days/weeks. We're in for a wild ride people!

    Under the Are You Sure:

    Jin & Sawyer see the first half of the Oceanic 6
    The reaction is emotional to the return
    Jack talks to Marvin Candel
    Juliet and Sawyer are living together

    If this is true it means:
    1. That it'll take roughly nine episodes for the Oceanic 6 to reunite with the survivors who like Kirk Cameran were Left Behind.
    2. Jin is still alive! (I know a lot of people who'll be happy about this, including myself)
    3. The Sawyer, Kate, Jack love triangle becomes a Love Square with Juliet.
    4. And I'm not real sure what to make of Jack talking to Marvin Candel, but you know it'll be good.

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