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    Wednesday, April 15, 2009

    Dharmaville's Doc

    This is from TV Guide:

    Will the real Dr. Pierre Chang please stand up? Since Lost's second season, Dr. Chang has repeatedly popped up in Dharma films under the pseudonyms of Dr. Marvin Candle (host of the Swan station film), Dr. Mark Wickmund (the Pearl station) and Dr. Edgar Halliwax (transporting bunnies in the Orchid station). Finally, the mysterious scientist will get a solid run in this season’s remaining episodes. “You’ll learn he’s one of the Dharma leaders—but not the only one,” teases Cambodian native François Chau (Chang). The actor, 49, just wrapped two months of filming in Hawaii and says, “It’s the first time I actually got to meet the other cast members.” More about what’s going on in all the stations will be revealed. “They involve experiments on such things as electromagnetism and polar bears…for the betterment of mankind,” François says. (Doesn’t that make you feel better?) In the May 13 finale, viewers will witness Chang’s role in “the Incident,” the catastrophic event that could happen again if the Swan station button isn’t pushed every 108 minutes. It might also have something to do with another reveal—why Dr. Candle (but not any of his other incarnations) appears with a prosthetic arm. Uh-oh. You know that can’t be good!

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