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    Friday, April 17, 2009

    National Day of Silence

    I normally do not stray away from Lost related subjects but today, for the first time, I will. Following suit with my good friend Tom Logan, and many other bloggers out there, for a National Day of Silence. The National Day of Silence brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools. Each year the event has grown, now with hundreds of thousands of students coming together to encourage schools and classmates to address the problem of anti-LGBT behavior.

    Like I said earlier I don't stray away from Lost and I don't like to use my blog to push any political agenda. There are good blogs out there for that, but this isn't one of them. However I feel very strongly that no one should be subjected to harassment. Just think of how Hurley felt after Sawyer continued to call him names back in seasons 1, 2, 3, and a little in 4.

    No one deserves that so this will be the only post today. Thank you.

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