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    Wednesday, April 29, 2009

    "Yes We Can" Be Done Before Lost

    (Move over Locke, the Others will elect him leader as soon as they hear about his tax cuts)

    The President is slated to speak tonight, which as a Lost fan made me worry. But that worry was quickly put to rest as ABC has Obama speaking from 8 to 9 and Lost from 9 to 10:02. If Obama runs long, it's pretty standard for them to starts shows late, so we should be in the clear. If you TiVo lost however, you may want to add extra time to the end of Lost just in case. Nothing is worse than your TiVo cutting off the last few minutes of your favorite show.


    Alicia Duanway said...

    Thanks for the info! I didn't even think about our Tivo! We definitely will be adding extra time for it to record.

    Alicia Dunaway said...

    Leave it to me to spell my last name wrong! What an idiot!