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    Thursday, February 5, 2009

    The Little Prince Review

    The Little Prince started with Jack convincing Kate to help with the Lie. Kate want's to know who is after Arron, Claire's mom doesn't know. So who's after her DNA. It's Ben Linus. And Ben shows some impressive skills by getting 5 of the 6 Oceanic Six members together so quickly. Although convincing Kate is no easy task and Sun's going to try to kill him, so not all is well just yet. Speaking of not being well Miles and Juilet both experience a nose bleed after more time travel, but Charlote seems to be getting better. In one of the flashes, the Survivors see the light from the hatch when John was beating on it back in season one. In that same flash Sawyer sees Kate helping Claire give birth to arron. But then they were gone. In this Flash they find a boat with an Arjira Airways water bottle in it. Arjira airways will be important later on. They take the boat in hopes to make it to the orcaid station, but run into trouble first. Luckly another flash saves the day again. Now in the past again a crew of french people find someone washed up on the shore. It's Jin and he's alive! By the way the Rousso was one of the french people that found Jin. Next week in This Place is Death, Locke takes on the burden to stop the island's increasingly violent shifts through time. Meanwhile, Ben hits a roadblock in his attempt to reunite the Oceanic 6 and bring them back to the island. So watch This Place is Death Wednesday at 9 on ABC and that's what you need to know so your not lost when it comes to Lost.

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