Washington Post
The 'Lost' Hour: Season 5 - 'The Little Prince'
Has "Lost" got you a mite confused and ready to hurl at the next mention of smoke monsters? Or do you have the fate of the Oceanic 6 and the Jack-Kate-Sawyer-Juliet love square all figured out? Who got Scooby Dooed this week? Are you a new viewer, adrift on an unfamiliar isle or an old hand ready to bare knuckle some quantum physics? In either case, we're here for you and armed with more mediocre puns and pop culture references than a hunky con man can shake a stick at.Read More
EW from Doc Jensen
'Lost' Recap: Life Goes On
It was the kind of episode Lost doesn't usually do, the kind of episode that the series is sometimes criticized for rarely giving us: an episode in which the characters stop and talk about what the hell is going on. The tone was set with Juliet at her soothing deadpan best, shushing up a roaring Sawyer and shooing him away so she could create some safe space — physically and psychically — to softly, gently quiz freaking-out Faraday about the time travel sickness turning Charlotte's brain into runny cherry Slurpee. The abundance of candid info-swapping, soul-baring, heart to hearts — Jack and Kate talking about The Aaron Problem; Miles and Faraday puzzling through the time travel nosebleeds during the Orchid (death?) march; Locke and Sawyer meditating in the necessity of one's past; Sawyer sharing his broken heart with Juliet in the darkness of the beach — imbued the proceedings with a sense of cool quiet and moving intimacy. After three hours and three episodes of confusing quantum leaps and dense mythological downloads, we needed an episode like this to get our bearings. It was like a long sip from a canteen full of cold water offered by a kind new friend after being lost at sea for who-knows-how-long. And yes, that was a Jin is alive! reference. (It just wouldn't be a Doc Jensen recap if I didn't try force a few things.)Read More
"Lost" Spoiled Bastard. Ep. 4: "The Little Prince."
Pass the Advil again, I've got a nosebleed. It's been a really long few nights and so I'm going to lean on that as my excuse for not being able to come up with what should have been a pretty simple answer: Mrs. CrankyPants asked, during this episode, if the Losties on the island have actually been there for three years (as the Oceanic Six has been off the island). With all the time travel, I couldn't actually say that for sure. But wouldn't the answer be, yes, before the crazy quantum physics? I don't know. But I think...whoops, nosebleed.Read More
The Huffington Post
On Lost: "The Little Prince"
And the best guy to hang out with on a time slipping, mysterious, monster inhabited island is...? That's right, the hunky, wise-cracking Sawyer. Sawyer's line in last night's episode, "Time travel's a bitch!" was the best line of the season. I bet all of the viewers must have been shouting, "Amen Sawyer!" I know I did.Read More
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