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    Thursday, February 12, 2009

    What You May Have Missed

    All on the Island:
    • In her delusional state, Charlotte thought she heard Geronimo Jackson playing. This is the show's popular fictional band that was apparently popular in the 1970s and in the DHARMA Initiative. This is the third reference to the band, Hurley and Charlie find an album in the Hatch and the cop who Locke picks up on the side of the road is wearing a Geronimo Jackson t-shirt.
    • One of the Frenchman mocks Jin for talking about boats and helicopters, saying that next he'll be talking about a submarine. This is a reference to the fact that there was a submarine on the Island and John blew it up in season 3.
    • While speaking nonsense during her final moments, Charlotte said she knows more about Carthage than Hannibal himself. This could be a way of bringing viewers back to when they first discovered Charlotte on an expedition in Tunisia, since that is where the present-day Carthage is.
    • Jin found a music box on the beach while looking for Rousseau, and fans will certainly remember this is the same music box she made Sayid fix back in season 1.
    • Before dying, Charlotte said that she's not allowed to have chocolate before dinner. If you think that Charlotte is actually Ben's friend Annie then this is important because, the very first time we saw Annie, she offered Ben chocolate, so maybe her final words were an indication of bringing her character full circle.

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