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    Thursday, March 19, 2009

    What you May Have Missed

    • While landing the plane on the Island, the recording of the Numbers plays over the radio. However, that message was replaced by Rousseau's, which was taken down by Jack, so how were they still playing?
    • The runway Ajira 316 landed on was the same one the Others forced Kate and Sawyer to help build back in season 3. Perhaps in some weird time loop, Ben ordered the construction because he knew that he would be on the plane that would crash.
    • Fans should have immediately recognized the name Radzinsky, as he was Kelvin Joe Inman's partner in the Swan Station until the 1990s, when he allegedly committed suicide. He was also responsible for drawing the blast door map, which now makes sense since he apparently helped plan the entire DHARMA Initiative construction. Or Kelvin was lying about Radzinsky.
    • Radzinsky was shown working on a model for the geodesic dome in the computer room of the Swan Station.
    • Amy's baby is named Ethan, we can assume he's Ethan Rom. In an interview Amy said her baby was someone special, so either Ethan is more special than we realize or Amy has a loose definition of special. Right now I believe the latter, but we never know. And I feel it was the most disappointing discovery to date. So to the producers: Prove me wrong!
    • The man who took the group photo of the new DHARMA recruits was the same man who served as the director for the Arrow orientation video Pierre Chang filmed in the very first scene of this season.
    • The song playing during the group photo (also the song playing in Jin's van at the end of "316") is a Geronimo Jackson song called "Dharma Lady." Obviously it's not by them since Geronimo Jackson is a fictional '70s band, but the song was recently recorded and earlier this week it was made available for download on iTunes. And by the way the song rocks!
    • When Sayid is discovered, he's called a "14-J." This was the same designation John Locke heard on the phone in "The Shape of Things to Come" when Alex called him from the sonic fence and left a distress signal.

    1 comment:

    barry said...

    i sure as hell didn't do the math on the runway. thanks for pointing that out to me!! as to horace and amy's baby being 'ethan'...i guess i was right about it not being jacob. but if it's the ethan we know then that does seem rather anticlimactic.